Talkin' with your world closed

I have certain things I believe in and certain things I like and want to talk about. For example: Religion means much to me because I was brought up in a fabulously religious household. Cultural diversity means so much to me because I grew up with a root in a very strong cultural upbringing which was found in a forest of monotany. Books mean a lot to me because hell, I like reading books that I find good. I like old school (meaning that of the 90's) television, because damn that was a good time for television. I like pop and country music cause Timberlakes got the beats and there's no place like Texas. And so on and so forth.

Now where I'm going with this is pretty straightforward. Now I'm not saying I'm not allowed to talk about other things other than what I mentioned previously, because if that were the case then that would be a sad state of nonexistant liberty. Furthermore, since I live in a state where most liberties are granted to me, I can speak of a vast array of topics. Whether it be the herbal remedies found in cow dung, or 1920's espionage, or the span of the Ottoman Empire's autonomy, I can speak of these all rather freely. This is very true.

But to speak of these last few things, to really talk and plant myself deeply in a topic that I really have no historical integrity in, I feel(meaning my opinion, which is up for contention) is, in a sense, complete vanity. You see to exercise thoughts that well, don't have any subjective history, that aren't deeply internalized, then you are building these thought exercises up to project something of yourself; a projection of who you wish to be. You are creating a facade of your being in order that when others engage these topics you will be viewed in a better light. You'll have the halo of "check out my worthiness" or "look at how ignorant I can be" or even better "I think like a god, so could it be so, I must be a god." See when a vain man looks at himself in the mirror and finds value only in his prestige or only sees the money that insures his happiness, or even when the woman who sees her reflection and smiles as the leaness of her body do to her self-starvation, they both are going miles past the presence of self-assuredness; they have stepped into vanity.

In this vanity you can call it, easily put, over-compensation. To really discuss a topic, for you to engage others over ideas, these things, whatever they might be, must have a very heavy value or weight to the people engaged in it. Let me be a bit more clear and say you have to understand that the facets are limitless and that their are more sides to any belief than that of a prism. You must know that when you're stepping into a discussion of an idea, that whatever you say is of supreme importance; your words are your steps into a dimension of understanding. So These dialectics of sort shouldn't be quick responses or, even worse, trite little arguments, because when that happens the words and the ideas and the values, and worst of all, the quality then becomes all lost. It's completely arbitrary and completely valueless. The reason for all this, is when kids spout off about shit they have no clue about, when they talk with their world closed, it's fuckin' annoying. It's real fuckin' annoying.

Be Relentless,
Remoy Philip