tripping Remoys...

in the literal sense...

I don't know what the cause for my sudden overabundance of clumsiness is, but it seems to be that if you put any sort of in-ordained step or crack in my path, and I'm probably going to trip right down onto my face. You can go with me if you'd like, "Oh well, crap, that wasn't supposed to be there... Now I'm falling forward... I hope my hands are free so I can try to catch myself and save face... Good, my hands are free... Oh, oh... I saved myself from falling completely on my face, now about the whole makin' an ass of myself... Only three people are laughing while that one cute girl is gigglin'... she is cute isn't she. Now this could lead to some pretty embarrassing situations, but I have no way of avoiding it other than taking my mind away from my thoughts bathed in banality; and why would I want to do that.

On another note, in a close reference to "my thoughts bathed in banality;" I do want to apologize mainly to women, but not to completely exclude men, but us men, meaning myself included, are disgusting beings. I know generalizations are wrong. I shouldn't typecast anything by no means unless it's being sold on a counter by some gynormous company of critical acclaim, but afford me this one broad statement. Men, and again, I include myself, are disgusting. I am talking from our thoughts, to our actions, to our lack of thoughts, and of course to our lack of actions; we are disgusting.

Interlude: Everyone should watch The Squid and the Whale. Amazing movie, a little disturbing, but allows itself to be nakedly real. Anyways...

I know I can't fix the world; no one can. But I can desperately try, through a long disorienting game of trial and error, to fix my broken self. I guess to cross this over into spiritual language, or CHRISTIANESE, the spirit(whatever exactly that is) will be my only asset into making me into anything better.

I think that's all I got for now... I'm off to Anthropology class where I will learn that everything I was taught about the creation of the earth might actually be theoretical just like almost everything else. Weird...

Be Relentless,
Remoy Philip